Honestly? When I wrote my article on 8CountNews.com calling for Manny Pacquiao to take the test, I took a lot of heat from the fans (Pacquiao's) most of which were guilty of knee jerk reactions. The context of my article was merely to force Floyd's hand so that he would have one less card to play with in regards to his decision to avoid Manny Pacquiao. Read that article HERE
A few weeks after I wrote that article, it appears as if Manny has indeed agreed to the random blood testing. With that said, now all attention turns to Floyd, and now we wait. The only other card that Floyd can play IF it's true that he truly does not want to fight Manny, is by pricing himself out of the fight. So, if by chance news breaks saying that Floyd is demanding some ridiculous amount of money like 100 million to fight, then it's quite obvious that he does not want to fight.
Pacquiao at this point has nothing else to do except sign a contract. He's now agreed to everything asked of him by the Mayweather's. It's put up or shut up time for Floyd and the boxing fans are waiting.
In the meantime Floyd is gearing up for Victor Ortiz and Manny is gearing up for Juan Manuel Marquez. Training camp for Manny will fire up sometime in September probably, and according to my sources the first part of camp will again be in the Philippines. Pacquiao should be back in Los Angeles at Wild Card in October.
Mayweather Vs. Ortiz could be a good scrap, but I sincerely believe that Floyd will be a bit too much for the younger Vic. Pacquiao Vs. Marquez will be a decent scrap. Marquez has already proved that he can hang with Manny, it's just a matter of can he STILL hang with Manny? Pacquiao is a completely different monster than what JMM saw last time he fought him.
Mississippians that I have spoken to in recent days believe that since Manny has agreed to blood testing, Mayweather needs to put up or shut up. I spoke with Chuck Priore of Mendenhall, MS a big Pacquiao fan. Chuck pulled no punches with his thoughts, " Floyd, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. You're good at rubbing your money in our faces, so now sign and fight Manny and show you aren't scared to fight." I also spoke to Jill Peyton, a Floyd Mayweather Jr fan from Biloxi, MS. Jill chimed in as well, " Floyd doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. He's undefeated, and he doesn't need Pacquiao. I guarantee he isn't afraid of fighting Manny Pacquiao."
It's crunch time Floyd.
Source: Examiner.com
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